
I went to Boston College not knowing what I wanted to study. After a year and a half I still had no idea, so I studied Communications—whatever that meant. I almost switched to Computer Science but I was already spending too much time in front of my computer and decided against it.

I learned how to use Photoshop.

Near the end, I realized I had enough credits to double major in Philosophy, so I did. That somehow led to a job with the Boston Globe for a little bit.

Then I moved back home to Guatemala for a couple years, had jaw surgery, started a crappy Tripod site, and moved to Chicago to attend DePaul. Where I got my Masters in Writing.

Then I got a job in publishing.

Turns out none of that really mattered much. What mattered was that I started a blog called The Writer’s Coin. That’s where I taught myself SEO, web analytics, some PHP, and a bunch of other practical skills.

Which led to work as a writer and then a Product Manager.

Which led to work as a digital project manager.

Over the course of my career, I’ve made lateral moves into new industries and figured out ways to maximize my time and my skills.

You can reach me at any time at carlos [at] carlosportocarrero [dot] com